White Otter Adventures - Kayak Schools
This course is for youth who are looking to get into the sport and adventure of Whitewater Kayaking. Students will be introduced and taught the skills to begin a lifelong love of playing and traveling on the river. Kayaking allows people to not only learn a challenging skill, but also improves their confidence, inspires growth in their abilities, and teaches valuable decision making skills. Most importantly, whitewater kayaking is simply FUN!
White Otter Outdoor Adventures invites you to spend four to seven days learning to whitewater kayak safely and competently with a small group on Idaho's Salmon River. Certified instructors, including our very own Elliot Jacobs, lead this highly regarded program. On the first day of the course we will meet at White Otter Headquarters in Sunbeam at 9:00am and will spend the next four days and three nights learning the skills and art of whitewater kayaking, while camping, making new friends, and eating incredibly good food. Meals will be provided by our Sunbeam Cafe team, and are completely organic, non GMO, handmade, and locally sourced. No experience is necessary. Meeting location: Sunbeam Village, 100 Yankee Fork Road, Stanley, Idaho, 83278